We all want to stay young and disease free for as long as possible. And eating a healthy diet with at least 5 portions of fruit or vegetables a day plays a big part in that plan because fruit and vegetables contain high amounts of ‘antioxidants.’
Antioxidants neutralise the effects of ‘free radicals.’ Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules, which we breathe in with every ...
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Liver diseases are undetectable. There are over 100 of them. Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, skin rashes, weight gain, nausea, vomiting and jaundice (yellowing of your eyes and skin.)
Cirrhosis, hepatitis or worse could be developing in your liver right now, but you would never know because no symptoms show until it’s almost too late. You can easily get liver disease from even light drinking and ...
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Double Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling stated: “You can trace every sickness and disease to a mineral imbalance or deficiency.”
Experts estimate 92% of us are at risk because the typical western diet, high in animal products and sweet, sugary processed foods, makes our blood extremely acidic.
Research confirms diseases thrive in acidic conditions. All minerals are alkaline by nature ...
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Nobody wants to end up an empty shell. But a frightening proportion of us do.
Your brain has billions of cells and trillions of connections that give us three key abilities: concentration, memory and cognition (problem solving.) All three must be working perfectly for you to function normally.
Our new brain formula IQ Protect® contains 12 cutting edge nutrients which have multiple &ls...
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